Friday, November 21, 2008

Meeting at UW Tu Nov 25 12:30pm

Hey folks: Just a heads-up about a meeting on the UW campus this coming T, Nov 25, 12:30-1:20pm with Jen Marlow and Jeni Barcelos, two UW law students who interned with Sightline to study legal issues about "cap-and-dividend". (If you're curious they're also the main forces behind the "Three Degrees" conference on the law of climate change and human rights, coming up at UW May 28-29 2009.)

Anyone interested in joining should meet at the "Supreme Cup", the cafe in law school (on the ground floor across from Room 133; if you don't know where the law school is then click here). An RSVP to me would be nice too :)

Anyone who can't make it but has questions should send them to me! And of course there's our next downtown meeting on Th Dec 4 12pm.

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